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<A HREF="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/starka/CanonFD_ebay2.htm">Here's a site

</A> that should give you a fair idea what prices for diffferent Canon FD components will

run you on eBay.<P>


I've got a few FD items that I've been offering for sale in the <A HREF="http://

www.photo.net/gc/view-one?classified_ad_id=639372">photo.net classifieds</A>.

There are a few items there you might find consistent with your shopping list.

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I purchased a T90, along with a 28mm, 50mm and 100mm off Ebay for less than $160.00. The camera was very accurately described (Some problems with the liquid crystal display), but everything in the viewfinder works fine. Beautiful Camera, not a scratch or mar on the body. The layout of the controls is a bit strange, but a complete manual can be downloaded for free.
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My entire system with a 4 bodies, including a T90, and 9 lenses has cost me significantly less than a new Digital Rebel and kit lens. I paid a $1.25 for one of my 50mm 1.8s, and $37 for my 50mm 1.4(which is a much better lens). I also have a cheap off-brand 300mm 5.6 that I've used maybe 5 times sinc I bought it, and only paid $25. There are plenty of bargains out there.


By the way, the closest Canon makes to a 105 is a 100. If you want a macro lens in that range, skip the Canon and get the Tokina 90mm 2.8. It's much sharper and I think even a little bit less expensive.

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The FD system is superb and cheap. I used it for 25 years. A similar manual focus Nikon system is in the same ballpark price wise and if at some point you choose to go digital you can use the old Nikon manual lenses on a Canon DSLR with an adapter or of course on a Nikon DSLR. I only bring this up since you have not yet invested in the FD system.



I had my T-90 for 20 years and sold it in perfect working condition. I probably took about 20,000 pictures with it and absolutely loved it! You could get the T-90, 50/1.4, 100/2, and 300/4 L for under $800 USD on eBay and have a superb system. Good luck.

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come on - seriously - go to eBay, look at completed auctions. You will see a pattern. Compare to reputable retailers to get even more knowledge (some of them sell on eBay). This is not rocket science and enough of this stuff changes hands to allow for a reasonable sample on which to base your averages.

The only thing that throws a monkey wrench is the type of lens you want: which 50mm? the "price of shipping" 1.8? The $50 1.4? The $300-$400 1.2L? One of the very pricey 55mm SSC ASPH for about $600-700? The 105 is a little simpler - but again, there are decent third party lenses, etc.

The absolutely biggest spread is in the 300mm lens: third party slow lenses for well under $100. The Canon 2.8L for $1500 to $2000. The Canon f4 versions seem to cover a spread too - I often see the non-L versions for less than $200, while the L's seem to fetch a $1/mm + :) A friend of mine purchased the non-L f4 in excellent optical, and decent comsetic shape for $120. You have to be more specific in order to compare apples to apples.

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