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I can understand wanting to check out a few details before buying...Hasselblad especially.


Unfortunately, there are not a lot of web pages available to give real basic, general tutorials on such things. Usually these kind of questions receive the standard suggestion to 'find a copy of Wildi's excellent Hasselblad Manual'.


The problem with the manual, while it is extensive, is that it is a terrific reference for people once they are familiar with the camera. It is a great place to look up specifics, but not so helpful for beginners.


One thing you might want to try would be to find some online Hasselblad Manuals (500C, 2000 FC/M, whatever). In those manuals are basic instructions, and they might help you decided if 6x6 is for you, or if you'd like another option.

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Marko's question is a good one. In 1975 I was using a 6x9 Zeiss folder. When I saw a Hasselblad 500C I had to ask how to load the film. I had no idea how the camera was loaded. The owner was gracious and showed me how the magazine back opens from the side.


Everyone has to start at the begining.


Marko, do a search on A12 magazines and you will find y7our answers.

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This is a good question! I wondered the same thing when I first started with photography. Until then, I only had been exposed to 35mm SLR cameras. I was so used to the way 35mm SLR cameras are loaded with film that loading medium format film needed to be learned via hand-on experience.
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I see. You mean between step 20 and 21. In step 21 (step 6 in the "A-type Film Magazine" manual) you are indeed shown what spool goes where.<br><br><i>"Place a empty take-up spool under the grooved knob of the spool clamp bar. Insert a roll of film under the other end of the bar, turned the same way as in the illustration. Be sure to remove all of the paper band surrounding a new roll of film."</i>
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OK I'll be the goat...


This isn't as dumb a question as one might think.


When I loaded my back for the first time and got the film back ... nothing !!!! Clear film. The lab owner and I though about it for 30 minutues and the only thing we could figure out is that I must have loaded the film upside down, like loading a TLR. The light on a TLR comes from a different direction than the light on a Hasselblad back. Well you can't expose the film through the backing paper.


Some of us do things the way we did before, and sometimes it does not work. While it is obvious now...at the time I thought I knew what was doing. Turned out I didn't. RTFM

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