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1 D MkII vs 1 D MkII N regarding Noise at High ISO


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To those who have used both, is there a significant difference in

the noise at, say ISO 1600 and 3200 between the two? I have the 1 D

MkII and wonder if the "upgrade" would be worth it, but just in

regards to ISO noise. I will probably wait until PMA to see what may

come out of the Canon camp. Also, is there a significant difference

in the focus speed in low light?



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I have both, and there are alot more differences than just a bigger screen and buffer Hans,

but I have yet to see a difference in high ISO noise. Both cameras are excellent!


If you already own a non -N it's probably not worth the money you'll lose. But if you're a new

buyer, I'd easily fork over an extra $500 for added features of the N.

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Not sure about noise differences between the two, but Canoin suggests that the differences between the Mark II and the Mark IIN are the ability to change focusing screens, a larger LCD screen on back, and the ability to see ISO changes within the viewfinder. Those features are nice but probably not worth upgrading if you already own a Mark II. The one issue that you might want to consider is that some Mark II cameras had a problem with the shutters breaking...mine broke while on assignment in Sri Lanka, my full write up along with photos is here http://karlgrobl.com/EquipmentReviews/BrokenShutter.htm

Canon fixed it for me no-charge when I got back to California but it was quite an inconvenience to have the camera fail while working overseas. The Canon Mark II is a fantastic piece of machinerey, personally I see no need to upgrade to the N at this time. Good luck with your decision, Karl<div>00F1Ph-27782684.jpg.a0015ce321aaff50a04846be03b79833.jpg</div>

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