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My new 90 Apo- Sharpest lens I've ever seen!!!

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The heading says it all. At f/2 it matches my old and loved Nikkor

AF 85mm f/1.4 at f/4. The quality of out of focus areas (bo-ke) is

spellbinding! It's quality displayed in my first test role

demonstrates the highest level of contrast, microcontrast and

sharpness i've ever seen from a 35mm camera/lens. I don't see

much of a differnce between f/2 and other apertures to be

honest. Click on the link to see some of my pics. Although the

scanned images don't do the lens enough justice. I just wanted

to shout this out to the world as I am absolutely estatic, seeing I

thought I had seen the best 35mm lenses had to offer. I was

wrong, very wrong!!!





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I agree. In fact, I've found it so sharp it's actually unflattering

to most women when used in portraits. When shooting portraits, I now

use a Softar 1 just to smooth out the wrinkles. After all, can't

have everyone looking like the Sharpei.

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Since you're a member of Photo.Net, then you must have seen the

recent photo of the week which featured a bearded and long haired

gentleman taken with a Nikkor AFD 80-200mm/f2.8. That is one of the

sharpest portraits I've ever seen. It just sings! Many people like to

offer pictures of their dogs, girlfriends or wifes, or kids, and

expect everyone else to think they're great. For me, this series of

photos fell short, and indicates (to me) laziness. Plus the portraits

were, well, boring and not well lit. Having the tools is one thing,

knowing how to use them is another. I would have rated the series 4/5.

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Glenn, the photos were snapshots put up so people could see

the quality of the lens wide open. I bet you that the shot taken

with the 80-200 was shot at f/8. If you are judging me by my

photos, then you obviously don't understand the purpose of this

forum and post. Instead of using anothers' example to show off,

why don't you use one of your own.....that is if you know how to

use the equipment?!!!

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No need to send a snotgram to Glenn. Actaully, I agree with him on the

quality of your pictures. And certainly, they don't show the quality of

the 90 Apo-Summicron; they could have been shot with any reasonably

good 90mm lens.

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If he shot at f8 he has an amazing ability to hand hold this monster

lend. Besides the out of focus areas on the face show that the

aperture was wider.




I have both the 70-200 Canon L lens and the 90mm M APO. I can not

say that the Leica lens is sharper, although it is certainly

different to the Canon.

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Ok that is it. NO MORE ridiculous comments please!!!! I made

this post to express my opinion and joy. The photos were there

to back up what I wa saying. Sure i don't have the greatest

scanner. Sure the pics aren't the best you've ever seen. But i

never claimed anything or set any expectations. Think what you

wanna think but leave my pics alone! If I want critique i'll ask for it

ok......oh and the guy who thinks that shot couldn't have been

made at f/8....with the focal elngth so long at an extreme close

range, the background is going to be blurred whether shot at f/8

or f/16!!!!




if I want criticism, i'll ask for it. otherwise read my post and think

"ok", then move on OR shut up!!!

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Ok, enrique Sorry i was hasty on my comment. I just get

frustrated when people turn things around on others for their

own personal gain through pityful negative comments such as

Glenns. The aperture must have been between f/4 to f/8

dependent on the focal length used. Thanks for not bitching

about my snapshots posted.

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please ignore those who like to critique, but not submit.

Making detailed evaluations of images from web downloads is

like "the 5 blind men describing an elephant"...

in other words, a joke.

You obviously were excited about the performance of the 90 APO,

and that's ultimately what personal photography is all about.

Keep the enthuseasim alive. It's what fuels the passion to take

risks, explore and improve your own personal vision.

It's like golf, you against yourself ...not Tiger Woods.

Keep going at it, and "happy hunting!".

--Marc Williams

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