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What makes the Focomat V35 superior in the 35mm B&W darkroom?

stuart d

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Ive just got a Leitz V35 VC after a real search as a start to

enlarging - and it is beautifully made and set up - but to be able

to respond to a thread such as this Im going to need a full

manual in machine readable/microfiche or machine-readable

format to know Im using it to the best.. could anyone assist?

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I just wanted to wrap up this thread by saying that my search

for a V35 is over. Having borrowed a Focomat 1c from a friend, and

battled with the electrics, I finally found a great deal a couple of

weeks ago, and I took delivery of a V35 enlarger yesterday.




The enlarger is in amazing condition, and it has the colour module. A

variocontrast module will be following soon. In the meantime I need

to start experimenting with the filtration settings on my VC paper.




It's been a wait and a half, but now I'm eager to get back into the

darkroom for the first time in over a decade.

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