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15mm Heliar on 1Ds MkII ?


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I don't have any EOS camera, but I don't see why this shouldn't be possible. But it certainly won't focus to infinity "or anywhere near it". Actually I'd guess it will only focus to a few millimetres away. So in real life, it will be pretty much useless.


Oh, I assume above that the EOS has mirror lock-up. It will have to. And even if it does, you won't be able to focus. Yes, it will be totally useless.


If you already have the lens, use it on something else. (The Bessa L is dirt cheap.) If you don't, forget it.

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<p><em>You can't focus it on a Bessa L either - it's not rangefinder coupled.</em></p><p>Well, in a manner of speaking you can't, because it's not rangefinder coupled (and because the Bessa L lacks a rangefinder). But you can scale-focus it. (You guess that what you want to be in focus is about five metres away? Then you set the lens at five metres. And you're helped in this by a huge depth of field.)</p><p><em>Practically you cant get it close enough on an eos with the mirror in the way. You can maybe use it in permanent mirror lockup, scale focussing with the lens isn't bad at all</em></p><p>No, it won't work. If something is five metres away, then the image will not be in focus when set to five metres. In order for "5" on the lens barrel to mean focus at 5 metres, the distance between film plane and lens flange would have to be the same on your EOS as for a Bessa or Leica. Well, it's not the same. I know very little about the EF mount but I believe that in this film-to-flange distance it's similar to (though significantly different from) the earlier FD mount. You can get a (glassless) adapter to mount an FD lens on a Bessa or Leica (though more often you use a combination, via M42). That's because the distance for an FD is greater than that for a Bessa, and it implies that you can't get a (glassless) adapter to do the reverse: LTM (or M39) lens on FD body. (As for refractive adapters, they're expensive and degrade the image.)</p>
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