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Circuit City pop-ups and animations on site


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In response to the last post, I did not delete cookies or do anything else to my computer. The repeated views of the ad were limited to that one session. I have visited the site before and after and either not seen the ad or only once. I have no idea why it went so haywire this one time.
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I don't delete cookies either. I am online more than most and I'd guess I've seen the Circuit City expandable ad at least twice today, maybe three times. I also saw it several yesterday and the day before.

I don't tend to ever logout of photo.net, but I did yesterday (or was it the day before) just to see if that made a difference. I don't think it did.


Maybe I'm just lucky...?


I'm not complaining, I just wanted to confirm that there are people seeing the ad more than once per day and more than one day a week! Whether it's by luck or by design by the ad supplier, I've no idea. If it's by design, they're wasting their money on me, but if it benefits photo.net I can live with it!


I'm also seeing a similar ad for the Navy. That I do find objectionable.

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