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Water mark soft wear

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I didn't know where to post this, but here goes.

Does anyone know of a freeware program for including a simple Water

Mark on my Original digital Photographs during processing on my

computer. I ask this because I have had problems with some of my

prints being swiped off the internet.

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<p><i>I ask this because I have had problems with some of my prints being swiped off the internet.</i>


<p>Now that is interesting.


<p>So you've made physical prints, on paper, then you succeeded in putting them on the internet, and then somebody swiped them so you don't have them any more. Right?

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Why are people so nasty on this site? If you don't have a productive answer or you think the question is stupid, then just don?t answer... no need to be mean.


Simon, I don?t have much experience, but I do think you can use Photoshop to do this for you. I don?t think you need any specialized software. One way to do it is to make your watermark in your imaging program as it?s own file and then bevel it and make it transparent with layer properties (assuming you use Photoshop). Then you can just copy that file onto a new layer onto your processed photos and save them for web. A better investment than software might just be a book (like Photoshop for digital photographers) that can show you several quick effective techniques.


Also, may I ask, how did you discover your photos had been used without your permission? Was it just luck or did someone direct you to it or did you actively seek that out?


good luck.

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I shan't bother explaining the details to your reply.



I do use Photoshop 7, but I can't find anything on there about this, I may have to do some more research. However having read various articles about this subject, I'm not too sure if its a good idea or not, as the watermarks could easily be cropped out if someone wanted to use them.

I not against anyone using my photos for their own private use (I would be quite flattered), but when they are used commercially for business purposes, thats a different matter. I found two being used locally for business cards, advertisements and price lists for a Pub/Restaurant in my area.

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