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Kenn Lichtenwalter -- Leica Photographer

mike dixon

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Of course the kind of camera used doesn't really indicate the quality of the photography, but here's one photographer who has switched to using Leicas in the past year or so. I've admired his work for several years and thought he deserved a wider audience.




Kenn Lichtenwalter produces some <i>outstanding</i> images. I guess "travel portraiture" and "b&w erotica" are the labels I'd use to describe his work. His site can be a bit slow at times, but it's worth the wait.




<a HREF="http://www.lichtenwalter.net/">http://www.lichtenwalter.net/</a>

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Is this a pisstake? Cunt on the railway tracks, or on the docks?

Mike, I'm not a great fan of shots of young women for their own sake

anyway, it usually seems a pretty easy sell to me (like a gorilla

taking pictures of bananas), but your stuff is a lot better than this


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Mike - I've been a fan of Kenn's stuff since I discovered it last

year, and finding that it may be shot with Leica is a pleasant

surprise. Sorry Rob, but I've got to take you to task a bit. I

like your stuff, though documentary is not my bag, and in fact shoot

mostly nudes, some of which are a little 'hardedged'. Though

documentary may not be my cup of tea I would never call someones

work crap an such just because I have a different style. One of the

reasons I seldom post images on this forum (though those that email

me can be directed to my website). Opinion is one thing, but I

think your comments are too harsh.

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Bob, you may be right about the harshness, but don't you think this

kind of thing is so overplayed? Frankly I think it's horrid

exploitative photography. I see no difference between this and porn -

getting a young woman to spread her legs for the camera. As you know,

I like your pictures - but what I like about them is their humanity

and affection for their subjects (and playfulness), which is totally

lacking here. Nudes as such don't disturb me, just nasty exploitative

voyeuristic pictures of young women posing as something better than

what they are. They wouldn't disturb me if they were in "Crotch

Shots" magazine or whatever - at least that would be honest.

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*back stretch* *yawn* *scratching crotch*, yep. nice black and

white shots of women but er, I've seen more artisitc use of

nudes. they kinda lack that creative form and style. I kinda agree

with Rob, but a not as harsh. Those Chec girls are quite pretty

though..*wolf whistle*

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Interesting that most of the comments so far are directed only at the

erotic work when half the site is portraiture.<P>

What I like about his work is the strong graphic qualities, the

directness, and the expression of a personal style. Everyone is

entitled to his own opinion, but there are a few points I'd like to


<i>Nudes as such don't disturb me, just nasty exploitative voyeuristic

pictures of young women posing as something better than what they are.

They wouldn't disturb me if they were in "Crotch Shots" magazine or

whatever - at least that would be honest.</i><p>

Actually, his work would never sell to "Crotch Shots" or "standard

porn" sources. I've had conversations with guys who shoot and sell

standard porn--most markets specifically do <i>not</i> want

high-quality photography. For better or worse, the "fine art" market

is where his work fits best. In that context, I think it's a

refreshing counterpoint to a lot of work that treats the female body

as just another pretty landscape. While women may not like being

viewed as nothing more than sex objects, I know many women who are

well aware of and comfortable with their sexual nature and who know

how to express and exploit what power that gives them. Those are the

women I see in Lichtenwalter's photos, not helpless victims of


(And Bob T., I'd be interested in seeing your work if you'd email me

your site URL.)

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Yeah, I'm a admirer of Sieff also. The nudes are a bit on the wild

side, but I guess I won't complain too much. I do like his use of

the wide angle and the overall look of his B&W prints. I can't

quite figure ot what focal lengh his wideangle is. Somewhere

between a 28 and a 21mm I guess. What do you guys think?

Thanks for the link to Kenn , Mike, and keep up the good work

yourself. I love your photography.

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Okay, I went back & revisited the site. The portraits are

superlative. And re- viewing the nudes, I change my earlier

opinion. Not my cup of tea, but in their own methodical way, even

these work on the level of extremely strong portraiture. Seeing

the portraits first would alter anyone's impressions of the crotch

shots that follow. Lichtenwalter is clearly extremely good at what

he does, & there's a definite vision at work.

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Striking stuff and the the shots have very strong visual impact.




The women are unusually "graphic" for arty shots. But I think on

balance it works very well. A very strong draught of erotica, but none

the worse for that. But I wouldn't want some on my wall, but I agree

with Mike's description - I do not see any "victims" here. Mind you if

he did the same with male nudes -- would we feel the same?

Robin Smith
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Mike - good thought to share the link to Kenn's work here. Of course,

Kenn is not a <i>real</i> Leica photographer, because he shoots an R.

;-) (Just joking, R users.)




I agree that Kenn's work, both his portraits and his nudes, is strong,

yet connected and sensitive stuff. I can't see any sort of connection

between this work and newsstand porn mags, either. Tastes vary, but

I'm always surprised at how emphatic some of the emotional reactions

are - even moreso when those reactions are from within the

photographic community.

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No shit. Peter Hughes (yawn) especially slagged Gedney's work.




And Mike your thoughts on Kenn's work were my impressions as well,

he's very graphic and I like his style, and the woman do have a

powerful sexuality and are not afraid of it, nor victims because of

it (like much of the porn crap). But as stated eariler I do prefer

the non nude stuff.

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what did you do? go to thailand and hire a prostitute to pose

nude for him? that's certainly the impression he gives.




it's a cheap sell out to push off porn in the guise of an art

photograph. the photos in my opinion would be better if they did

not reveal everything and left some things to the imagination,

focusing on the beauty of the female form, rather than her vagina.

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<i>what did [he] do? go to thailand and hire a prostitute to pose nude

for him?</i><P>

Maybe he just showed her the Leica logo on his camera, and she was so

impressed she got nekkid for free. ; ) And last time a checked, the

vagina was part of the female form . . .

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