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Help! 3 year old & scissors, need i say more?

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My 3 year old son has got a hold of a negative of himself and cut it

right through the middle. I know nothing about negatives, the

photographer at his daycare offered the negatives for $11 and said

we could make however many pictures we wanted from them. Can i save

this negative?

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Well, what I would suggest is scanning the negative with a negative scanned (I personally use an Epson 4990) and then go into photo shop and paste the two halves together and restore it. The answer is, yes you can save it. There are some labs out there that could do this service as well if you're not comfortable with it.
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Yes. A film scannner with a film strip holder can scan both halves separately or possible together. Don't tape the negative halves together. You wlll get better results with a film scanner than with a flatbed scanner. The two halves can be put together in Photoshop and printed digitally.


If you aren't set up to do this at home a friend may have the necessary equipment and skill. If not, find a good service bureau.



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Thank you everyone! Your quick response is greatly appreciated! And to Robert X, I was supervising the cutting. I did not realize that the negative (in a slip of plastic) was stuck to the paper he was using. I am a early childhood educator and would never allow a child to use scissors unsupervised. You shouldn't be so quick to critisize
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