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580EX off-body?


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You can use Pocketwizards, but that's a pretty big investment. I just got some for the holidays, but have yet to try using the 580ex off camera (I'm still waiting for the paramount cord to attach the PW to the flash). I just mention it because it is another option to those suggested.
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I found the ST-E2 was useful for this, not only to run a 550EX (or in your case, the 580EX) off-body, but used by itself, it gives you a much less obtrusive focus assist, than that annoying stuttering flash that the camera puts out using its built-in flash.


In places where flash and/or tripod photography is forbidden (museums, etc.) an ST-E2 and IS-stabilized lens is a great combination. Otherwise, it may be too dark to reliably get auto-focus when using a slow lens. For moving subjects, switch to a fast prime, like a 28mm f/1.8, and kick up the ISO to 800 or so, so you stand a chance of stopping the motion.


One thing to keep in mind -- when used as a slave, there are a number of tricks that the 550EX will no longer do. 2nd curtain sync, and FP sync come to mind, if I recall correctly. Check your 580EX manual. Someplace in there they list functions that only work if the flash is being used as primary or master. The only solution I've found for this is to use a hot-shoe off-camera cord (and extensions, as necessary) to use the flash off-camera and still be able to do 'stupid flash tricks'.


One or more of the 3rd-party RF sytems might work, as I believe that they trick the flash into believing that it is not operating in slave mode. Check the claims/detail/manuals carefully. Your mileage may vary.

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