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Marketing ideas ?


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I've just joined Smugmug, they give you the ability to change the

generic website that you buy to more suit your needs, I've finished

the majority of the changes that I wanted to do, check it out here

http://larcombe-photography.com <br><br>My question ?, oh, right,

the only marketing that I've done so far is by word of mouth, so I

guess that would mean that I've done no marketing at all right ?!

How would you recommend that I market this site and get future brides

to view it. I put a 'Halloween Special' deal on the Pricing page, is

that a good idea or bad ?

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I like what you've done with the website. I visisted the home page twice before I noticed the witch on the broom and my first impression was that it was kind of a moody night time image. When I went to the packages page my eye went right to the images and I scanned the images and prices. It wasn't till I started looking for the hollween special that I noticed the bright orange lettered info at the top of the page. I think you might want to make it an online "internet special" where you offer the 10% to anyone who books online and limit the dates to 2006. If you offer 10% for 2007 you may end up resenting the difference between your current 2007 pricelist and the 10% off of your 2005 price list.


I also got a better look at the image of the bride coming out of the old car. I still like the overall feel of the shot but would like the brides face & hair to be in sharp focus.


BTW, you can also add the time spent here as part of your marketing. You're networking and getting the studio name & images out. Never underestimate the bride's ability to find your forum postings once you've been "googled".

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Specials generally indicate poor business. You don't see the likes of Richard Avedon nor Denis Reggie offering "Specials." Keep the websites clean and use it like you would a portfolio.


The most cost effective marketing plan is to pass out your biz card as much as possible and ask for referrals. Make sure your website address is notated so clients can log on. Make sure the biz card is professional in design and not the usual amatuer card carried by most photogs. This is your billboard so it MUST be the best representation possible - get professional input if necessary.


There are many other communication means, but most yield heavy overhead and few clients because they are very temporary in nature. Develop a route and make yourself known to every bridal and Tux shop. Make a habit of stopping off and introducing yourself - eventually you'll develop relationships and from that you'll get referrals.


One summer I followed my described marketing plan and lived off its yield for the next 3 years!!!! I couldn't believe that it paid off so well. Best of all it didn't cost me but the gas to go from shop to shop and I'd usually hit these shops on my way to the beach.


PS: Consider carrying a small portfolio of your best wedding shots so that you can turn a casual conversation into a potential sale. For me, this generated other portraiture business. Good luck.

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"You don't see the likes of Richard Avedon nor Denis Reggie offering "Specials."


avedon is dead.


dennis reggie (or regei deni if you like) is not starting his business wedding photography.


you have lots of advice.

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"Obviously Avedon is dead."


That was a figure of speech. Evryone knows or should know he is dead.


"you have lots of advice."


It was not advice but suggestions. don't take it if you don't like it or just add it to your vast repertoire of options. I've made alot of money in photog as a side business and these were suggestions, which you can take or discard.


I have many years experience in start-up businesses, a few business degrees, and other financial licenses. I learned in trial by fire on the street, selling. The businesses I'm involved with are infinitely more complex than a photog biz ever could be. If you have better suggestions we would all like to hear them.


My suggestions aren't rocket science, but an easy way to get in, especially for new businesses. People biz is about outreach and the more contact you make with people, as I've suggested, the greater the opportunity to snag sales.


You are Welcome:-)

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