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w/nw Puddle


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Trevor, those are gorgeous. I love the ambiguity of scale. They could be some freaky macro siht or taken from space. Ice cool. <p>Eric, nice to see that you rolled your trouser leg up first. Very sensible. Very nice shot. But tell me, weren't you worried about the camera/lens/moisture consequences? I'm sure a few people here would shudder to think what might have happened. <b>: </b>)
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<i>Trevor should be careful: after he gets is M6, he's going to want one of those nifty 15mm lenses for it.</i><p>Honestly, it's such a laugh to use. Put it on f8 and you've got a camera that doesn't need any thought processes at all, just pure instinct. Shame it's not a bit faster... a 15mm noctilux? - Ooh, I just wet myself.
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Nice stuff, folks!


Thanks for starting this one, Monkey -- it's one of my favorite subjects. I really like your opening salvo.


Please forgive this bad scan of a mediocre 4x6 Type R print. I made this image on Ektachrome 100 with a Rollei 35S in 1990. I have a really nice 11"x14" Cibachrome of it hanging on the wall.


Seeing Lutz's photo, I had to contribute my own, despite the poverty of the scan. I walked by the puddle and felt the reflected heat of the sun through the sleeve of my windbreaker. I pulled out the trusty Rollei, and a passer-by gave me a funny look: "taking a weird picture of a greasy puddle, are you?"


-- Steve<div>00Ekam-27333684.jpg.5546b7c9b6dce9e4526ac22c0a23eb07.jpg</div>

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