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New pose idea?


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You have to read the couple and make sure they are the right personality type before you ask them to do a pose like that. Some people might not be game, but if you have the right type I think it's pretty funny, and I'm sure they will too. The divorce rate is over 50% now right? I'm sure all those unhappy couples will look back on it and say "Geez, the photographer knew how things were going to turn out, why couldn't I see it?"

As a side note, the photo has beautiful bokeh. What lens did you use?

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Hey Marc -- Love the shot.. Really playful and fun but I have a question......


What's with the strange patterns in the colored leaves behind the couple?? I know you have a shallow DOF here which I love when shooting

with fall leaves in the background.. but .. Is it just me? It looks odd...surreal...unreal.... Love to hear your feedback on this as I'm watching and waiting for digital to look more like film and when it does - I may make the leap.

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after your photo is resized in a folder on your computer, come back to pn and click on 'my workspace'. click on 'manage your portfolio'. click on 'single photo'. click on browse. find your folder on your computer and click on your resized image. click on 'open'. click on 'add this photo'. click on 'return to your portfolio'. click on 'single photos'. click on the photo you just uploaded if the new window shows a 'larger' button, click on it. put your cursor over your image and right click. click on 'properties' in the display box. at the top of the new window is 'properties', left click and hold while dragging your cursor over the whole url, should look like this, http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3806979-lg.jpg and when highlighted, right click and copy, or cntrl c, then go into your text document where you have the following html text saved,


<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3809704-lg.jpg"></center>


and replace that url between the quotes with your current one. highlight and copy that and paste it into the usual answer box. at the bottom of that answer box is a 'the above text is', here you select html. and then hit submit. you don't need captions. try again James.

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Ignore the advice about "center" in your inline HTML. Too many newbies do that with very wide images and that BLOWS the formatting for the entire thread's page. Flush left/align w/test (default) is fine.


AGAIN, do NOT USE "center" unless you know what you're doing (i.e., your image width is less than 640 px.). Usually if you have to be told about this you DON'T know what you're doing. (in my "Derek" mode)

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Bad Bokeh, or bad sharpening edge effects with web compression intensifying it perhaps?

I should NOT have sharpened the whole image after downsizing it to 511 pixel width.


The 85/1.2L is an excellent all around performer as anyone who has ever shot with it

knows ... including buttery Bokeh. That said, any lens will produce strange effects under

certain conditions. This 85 cannot be shot wide open toward intense/contained light

source like a Chandelier while a filter is mounted on it. It causes weird reflections of the

light points mirrored across the bottom of the frame ... but only does so at f/1.2 or f/1.4.


Here's another example without sharpening the background after downsizing...(the bride

was fighting tears as a love poem was being read) ...<div>00DvXL-26159284.jpg.3c7efdd4ad9f2c9f850d2efa0696adf8.jpg</div>

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I believe that when a couple encourages fun shots that the photographer should take advantage of the situation at hand. As far as the Canon 85/1.2L: It has been an excellent portrait lens for me in the studio or in the field. Bokeh is beautiful in nearly all situations.
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<p><em>"...bad sharpening edge effects with web compression intensifying it perhaps?</em></p>


<p>I guess you're right. On a closer look there is a strange halation on the right side of the groom's legs, too. That's probably the same sharpening artifact that affects the background. I take back my suspicion regarding the 85/1.2's bokeh.</p>

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