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macro-elmar4 (new) discussion - what is your experience ?

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I opened this thread to hear some experienced macro-elmar4 (new)

owners/users to show and tell us about their time and pictures with

this special lens.

No competion to Andy�s thread from about an hour ago - rather

complementary a more technical & picture-samle discussion - his Nepal

pic is outstanding !!

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My thoughts so far are that this is a great little lens and a pleasure to use, lower-case b-u-t, it's strangely easy to forget to remove the stowed hood before you try to twist it onto the camera body and I'm not sure that nearly 600UKP to be able to focus down to .5m instead of .77m represents 'value for money' - infact it's bloody ridiculous. Johnny.
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Oh, and it says here - 'Due to image field loss, for close-up shots at 0.5m the actually recorded image is approx. 20% smaller than indicated by the inner edges of the 90mm bright-line frame.' I ordered a chrome one, a black one arrived, but it should actually come with a LEMON finish.
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Glad to be of service Robert, I'm growing to think of the lens itself as an honest little workhorse. Whether I'll get any real use from the CF device remains to be seen. One thing that occurs to me is that people who shoot a lot of portraits might not find it as 'complimentary' as the old version.
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Hmm, I wonder if that is even a problem with the M5 and CL. The base section looks thick, and the moving section looks short, thus limiting its rearward extention. I wonder if they limited the collapse to the point where it won't crunch the metering stalk?
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I'm referring to the current 90 f/4 macro-Elmar, not the older collapsible Elmar. The latter will certainly damage the metering stalk! I have no idea whether the current one will--just speculating & wondering out loud, not answering the question!
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The reason Leitz made the original collapsible 90 was that ERC's were all the rage back then and the rigid ones wouldn't fit. But nowadays since internet forums when using an ERC brands you as a nerd, what's the point of this lens vs an Elmarit unless you're going to pop another 8 bills for the closeup eyes. Even with it collapsed, it's hardly a pocket rig.
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Check out my gallery on the images taken with the CLE. Most were with the 90/4 macro-elmar. This lens is ideal for the CLE in maintaining a sharp compact outfit. I like the close focus of just under 0.8 meters w/o the aid of the macro adaptor. Super sharp already wide open. No need to stop down unless you need more dof.
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