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Adjusting monitors with gain and bias on each color?

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I'm setting up an old Sun CRT monitor, which I believe is a Sony

design. It has both Gain and Bias controls for each of the 3 primary



Was hoping somebody could provide or point out a tutorial on how to

systematically adjust such Gain and Bias controls. Adjusting either

Bias or Gain for a specific color produces very similar results, it's

hard to characterize how they differ. Although I've managed to get a

fairly decent image, I can't say I understand how I got there.

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Visit the Gretag-MacBeth site (www.gretagmacbeth.com). They have some Quicktime videos that demonstrate the process.


Using the G-M Eye One products, you are encouraged to start with hardware calibration, which includes the adjustments to which you refer. If you have hardware RGB adjustments, use these to set the luminosity and white balance. The profiling process goes on to make fine adjustments which act on the video driver. The driver alone may not have the capacity to optimize the white balance AND luminosity.

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I ran a calibration with Pantone Colorvision Spyder 2, and was disappointed to discover that this system does not address "Bias" controls other than to indirectly suggest not adjusting them. Not surprisingly the resulting "calibration" was notably inferior to my eyeball-only calibration.


To be be fair I think this monitor may be past its best days.


Is anybody using a calibration system that brings both Gain and Bias controls into the adjustment routine?

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