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Professional flash unit for MF camrea (6x6)


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I am on the market for professional handle mount flash (with bracket)

for my Rollei 6008 AF camera. Currently I am looking at Metz 70MZ-5

unit but still open for other alternatives.


Would you please recommend me something else or drop couple lines

about your personal experience with Metz 70MZ-5 flash?


Thank you in advance,


<br>Kind regards,

<br>Oleg (aka oMoses)

<br><a href="http://www.pbase.com/omoses">oMoses online portfolio</a>

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Be aware that the bracket that comes with the 70MZ-5 is pretty useless for use with a heavy camera like the Rollei. A lot of 3rd party brackets don't work well for the way the command module mounts to the side of a Rollei 6000 series camera, but the Stroboframe Press/Pro T brackets are the right shape to do this job. Metz used to make a cable, their number 50-60, for the 50MZ-5 that extends the possible distance between the flash gun and the command module, which could be nice for off camera flash use. It works with the 70MZ-5, but apparently it's no longer produced. Henry's ebay sold some in 2003.
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I can tell you first hand that the Metz bracket is useless with a Rollei 600x camera. I have a 6003 Pro with the Rollei hand grip and the Metz 45-CL4 flash. I use the Rollei SCA module; so you'll notice that this thing sticks out quite a bit from the camera. This forces you to mount the Metz bracket so that the flashgun itself is far from the camera body towards the left. I found I wasn't happy with the big shadows in my pictures so I just made my own bracket that keeps the flash above the lens.


Be prepared to find a solution to this if you go for a Metz handle flash.


Other than the mechanical problem, I am thrilled with my Metz flash...it works beautifully in TTL mode with my Rollei. Perfect exposures every time.



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The heavy duty unit is Metz 60 CT-4. Rather unpractical with separate power unit but really fast recycling time and plenty of power. Guide number 60 (in meters) is for ISO 100 and for head that is able to give light for angle of 50 mm lense of MF. I have had my unit now for maybe 10 or more years and used it a lot with Hasselblad's TTL measuring. Really professional. Maybe too oldfashioned for the most advanced Rolleis?


Kerkko K.

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It's generally set up so that the flash is immediatly over the tripod mount, and the camera is off to one side. However, the camera weighs so much that just touching the camera causes it to start bouncing up and down at the end of the thin piece of metal Metz provides for a bracket. The Stroboframe bracket holds the flash centered on the lens and far enough forward that the waist level finder can open. Also its handle is on the right - the opposite side of the camera from the command module.
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