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bob haight

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That website (I have contributed in the past) is not a valid source

of information. Instead it allows consumers to put themselves through

the "post purchase evaluation" process and avoid buyer's remorse by

convincing themselves they made a good purchase. Why do I think

this?, because many members (including myself in the past)write many

similar posts on various competing products.




No purchase decision should be made solely off the information on

that site. But it does serve a specific purpose to smart buyers. It

opens your eyes to "disadvantages or perceived disadvantages" that

consumers should consider before making a purchase decision.

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"A smart buyer is someone that confidently understands what he/she is

getting themself into prior to making a purchase. This "intelligence"

may come from experience, or detailed research from reliable and

trustworthy sources, with current valid information that is useful to

the buyers needs and/or wants.




The buyer then makes an educated purchase decsion based on the

validity of the facts obtained through the experiences and/or

thorough research".




From the "Royal Kristian Institute for marketing based bullshit






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It may not be the most valid source of information but it sure as

hell is the most comprehensive of its type on the net, at least that

I know of. There are some examples of "reviews" that are clearly

attempts to soothe the writer's buyer's remorse, but for the most

part they are level-headed and on the mark.

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I think Sait is trying to understand the concept of a "smart buyer".

A "smart buyer" is a buyer that has made a bad purchase and is

determined not to make another bad purchase. I think that the

photographyreview site is helpful - taken with a grain of salt.

Another helpful site that reviews products - principally electronic

products including photoprinters and scanners - is cnet.com. (No film

cameras though.)

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Wisdom and knowledge come from experience. Unfortunately experience

all too often comes from making mistakes. Like the man said buy good

stocks and watch them go up and don't buy them if they don't go up.

And take it easy guys. Cheers.

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