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Edition size confusion


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At present I am corresponding with few local private galleries for

exhibitions and I usually face the ?Edition size? question. Could

someone explain me how to decide about the edition size and which

type of photographs should be of limited edition and which unlimited

edition and its impact on pricing?


I understand that as the size of the photograph increases the

edition size decreases.


Thanks for all the help

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Edition size is entirely up to you. Some people don't edition at all, but some (lots) of galleries prefer to offer editioned prints. I do editions out of sheer laziness. Once I've dodged and burned an image to the point where I'm satisfied, I never want to make that print again, so I'll run off 5-10 prints. Presto, edition. Your assertion that the larger the print the smaller the edition is not strictly true, unless you offer the print in a variety of sizes, in which case the larger size is usually a smaller edition. Again it comes down to the notion that the customer is buying something more "exclusive" and "collectible" (and more expensive).

But edition size is up to you. How many prints do you want to make? 5 or 500?

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