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XPan film loading


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I have a Xpan I. Today I had a little problem while loading s roll of

Sensia in my Xpan. After pulling out the film till the mark, close the

door, and the camera start the usual whiiiirrrr winding the film...but

stopped with the film counter blinking "2". I opened he back to find

the roll winded only a little (two frames, actually). So I've fogged

this two frames...

Started the process again and this time loaded with out problem.


Does anybody knows what can be the problem?

How can I solve this situation with out fogging the film?





PS: Sorry if this is not the forum, but I think is the more suitable

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Haven't had this type of problem. But it is very common to load the film, close the back and after a little whirring the film does not move. Open the back, adjust the length of the leader a bit and try again. Sometimes it takes 2-3 tries.


I did have a problem where the camera started to load the film and then rewound it back to the cassette before I took any pictures. After 2-3 rolls it finally wound normally but then again sometimes stopped mid roll and rewound the film. Eventually that body stopped to work completely and was sent for repair and was replaced by Hasselblad.

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Joaquin, I suspect the roll to have been a bit on the tightly rolled side, meaning that the XPan while pulling it out of the cartridge felt too much resistance to unroll it any further, counting just two frames' length to expose and rewind into the cartridge after exposure - get my point? Maybe the light sealing felt got in the way of the perforation and losened up only just when you rewound the roll into the cartridge. Make sure, though, not to expose the *last* two shots with that roll now that you have recharged it. The XPan's is a count-down counter... Happy snaps! PS: Cold temperatures could well increase resistance of rolls - which might explain the subsequent increase of the phenomenon.
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Thank you for your inputs. I'll let you know if it is an isolated problem or if it repeats again.


Only in case that the problem happens again, anyboy knows if the Xpan I can rewind the film letting the film tip outside the canister?


Thanks for your help.


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No, the original XPan winds the film inside. The New XPan II gives the option to leave the leader out. But for a small amount of money you can buy a small plastic thingy called 'film leader extractor' that pulls the leader out from inside a film can without exposing its contents.
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