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RAW format

dutch simba

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newbie here... recently signed on to Photo.net and also recently

acquired a EOS 20D (upgraded myself from 300D).

I hope to be able to upload some photos in due course (think I made

a few nice pics recently on holidays in Australia) but I returned

and found something that surprised me a bit...

For the first time I shot in RAW format most of the time. I found

all CR2 shots only 1534 pixs wide while large JPEG would offer

almost 3600 pixs wide. This leaves me without much space to zoom in

or edit/cut while e.g. adjusting horizon and such like.

Any thoughts on this, can I shoot RAW in larger format (which menu

item then) or is there a trick in conversion to TIF or JPEG after

aditing in RAW ?



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Something funny I noticed:


Though I don't use it now, when trying out various raw converters, I noticed RawShooter was able to extract 10~20 extra pixel width, all the way around. It *was* additional image, that all the other programs crop away. Kind of like a digital slide mount being taken off.

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I am looking at the RAW pics (.CR2), not JPEG.

Used IrfanView to look at the files. Before posting I shot another testshot and looked at it: 1536 pixels wide. Directly on the CF-card, so without any transfer or editing.

IrfanView has no limits on sizes to see (I see JPEG 3600 wide...)

I have Photoshop 7 which does not recognize CR2 files.

I don't see where I can adjust the file size in my camera menu; all I see is a choice in various (1) JPEG sizes, (2) RAW and JPEG sizes and (3) RAW (1 setting).

Firmware 2.0.2

Still puzzled.

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I just looked at my file size on EOS Viewer Utility and they range from 7MB up to 11MB.

From what I can understand the image on the LCD on the back of the camera is a Jpeg even if you have only taken RAW shots. So Irfan view must somehow be able to see this Jpeg,(maybe in the settings somewhere this can be changed), which leads me to believe you are allways taking a Jpeg, so does this mean when you take RAW and a Jpeg you are actually taking a RAW and 2 Jpeg's. Just thinking out loud.



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Thanks all for the contributions to sort this out.

Went out to take some photos and looked at them through software program that came with the camera: Digital Photo Professional v1.6.

And indeed the CR2 file came out 3504 wide...

So IrfanView is at fault here; but it writes/converts the RAW files to TIF in the same restriction (1536) except this is not a deception: it is actually resized to a mere 1536 pixels wide.

So for RAW conversion to TIF IrfanView is not advised (I'll have to see if there are more plug ins that can be installed to solve this).

Pity, as this Canon program does not come close in handling convenience compared to IrfanView (in my opnion). The camera has other software included as well (EOS Viewer Utility 1.2 and EOS Capture 1.2) and I'll check them out.

Thanks for solving this RAW size issue.


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I have downloaded the Canon zip file from the IrfanView website and copied the CR2 plug in dlls to my IrfanView plug in folder.

It still reads CR2 files as a max 1534 pix wide.

I have sent an email to the webmaster of the IrfanView website, see if they can overcome this.



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I have a 20D and I shoot in RAW all the time. I suspect either your RAW conversion software is flawed or you are not shooting in RAW only mode, but RAW/jpg mode.


Microsoft has released a RAW thumbnailer for the file explorer that works with Canon RAW and ACDSEE 7.0 will work directly with RAW files.


I would suspect the software first, then the camera.


BTW, I checked a couple of my own RAW pics and they are all 3504x2336.



- Scott -

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Irfan View isn't a RAW converter really. You don't have any controls for the 'development' of your RAW file, but that's what RAW is really for, isn't is? If you don't need those controls, you may just shoot JPEGs. Irfan Views is quite nice to view and handle files, make slideshows etc. It's free and much better / faster then the stuff that comes with Windows. But it's far from being a good RAW converter.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I solved my RAW problem by a reply from Irfan Skiljan; he had me check my settings:

There are 3 options:

1- Load JPG => the JPG preview image is loaded, usually small

2- Canon DLLs: it loads the full image

3- Formats.dll: full image

I had it on 1/ and corrected it to no.3 and hola presto problem solved.

Yes, am still hunting Photoshop CS to properly work my RAW formats, this was an intermediate thing.

Thanks all.

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