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M Mount Lenses from Voigtlander?


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I think it would be silly for them to sell M-mount lenses. As it

would add just one more machine/man/station to a production line that

already exists. I think it much more likely that they will either

leave things as they are (and selling boatloads of m-LTM rings), or

they will include the m-ltm ring in the lensbox and raise the price

$20 or so to cover it.





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If I had to pay 30 to 50 extra Dollars to open the box and snap the

lens onto my M-mount camera directly, then that would make me, the

customer, happy. If I could do this now, I'd have the 75mm f/2.5

lens today. As it stands now, the hassle of also getting an adapter,

as well as all of the stories of the index marks being off of 12

o'clock, makes me just hold off.




Even if Cosina did like Leica did in the early days and just used a

set screw to mount the adaptor on the LTM lens, it would still make

it less of a hassle for the person wanting the M lens.

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