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Flash duration problem.....maybe.


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I recently made the switch from nikon to canon by buying an eos 1d mark II. it

is an amazing camera to say the least, but i am having one problem. I shoot

skateboarding among other things, and i can't seem to stop action during the

day when using flash. I usually use 2 or 3 sunpak 555s on 1/4-1/32 power

with pocket wizards, and either my 15mm fisheye, 70-200 L 2.8 or 50mm1.4

and i have the same results with all of them. at night i can use the same setup

and take the sharpest pics i have ever taken. also, i have used the supaks

with my nikon f5 and it stops the action pretty good. what am i doing wrong, it

doesn't make sense to me why this is happeneing?

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Your flash duration isn't affected by your switch to digital, and 555's have a quick burst at the

power you're shooting. Assuming you're shooting at 1/250th at 100 iso, your 555's should

be doing the job if you get them close enough and aren't going above 1/2 power, which you

aren't. You are in focus, right? You will need a bit more power during daylight. You may have

to move your flashes in a bit to your subject. Try to keep them under 1/2 power, 1/4 is more

ideal. Try and keep them close without them creeping in the shot.

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my problem is definatly the ambiant light overpowering the sunpaks. i always

shoot on manual mode on both the camera and the flash and during the day

always at maximum sync speed (250th) and usually at 400 iso. my problem is

only during the day, in low light or night time there are no problems. i want to

use flash because i like to under expose the backgraound and fill the rest with

flash to bring the subject out more. i have tried shooting at 2 stops or more

under and i still have the problem. it is very problematic, and i need to figure

this out. also, someone said i should just forget the flash and shoot strait and i

do for sequences usually at 8000th of a second but for stills i really need to

bring out the subject(skater). I think the problem is the flash duration, i need

to freeze the subject and make the ambiant light secondary. i am sure

someone out there has the exact info i need. thank you all so far.

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If your Canon allows for high speed flash sync, try thinking in reverse: Set the camera's shutter speed as you would to freeze action based on the available light; use flash for fill only. The flash should be a secondary consideration. Don't try to freeze action with flash in daylight or bright ambient lighting. It's an exercise in futility.
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  • 2 weeks later...
check out skateboardphotography.com you will learn everything there is about shooting skating there. it helped me out so much. i dont really know what the problem would be here because thats a normal set up for shooting skating, maybe if you post an example it would be easier to tell whats wrong?
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