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Question reg. Nikon F70 built-in flash


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At night time when I take photo (of distant building) with Aperture

Priority mode the shutter releases after long time but when I use the

built-in flash the shutter closes very fast.


Can anyone tell me the reason behind this.


Regards Riz.

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This is how it works:


At night time without a flash, the camera will use a long shutter time to get the *right* exposure. The shutter releases when you press the shutter release, but closes after (probably) seconds.


With flash and aperture priority, the shutter defaults to 1/60 second (when it is dark). This is to minimize camera shake while trying to get some background details.


What you should do if you want to take photos at night of distant buildings and have something in the foreground you want lit by the flash, is to activate "slow sync" on the flash. I had the F70 but can not quite remember how it was done. I think you must pop up the flash and then activate the function in the flash menu on the camera.


You can also use shutter priority with a slow (long) shutter speed(but then the camera will select a aperture giving you short depth of field).


Or, you can use manual mode, setting shutter speed and aperture. Then you do not need to select slow sync on the flash.


Good luck experimenting!

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