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Formula 5 lens?, Anyone heard of this brand??


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Hi, I've just spotted a M42 mount 40-85mm f3.5 Formula 5 lens on ebay. Anyone

heard of the brand? Just curious really I probably won't try and buy it but it

would be good to hear it's a true optical star, lol and I could pick it up

dirt cheap. Sounds like a good focal length range on sub-miniature digital.

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I remember that name. I worked in a camera shop in New Jersey for a few years. The whole

time I was there, there was a Formula 5 lens that just sat there. It's just one of many no-

name, generic oddball kinds of aftermarket makers of lenses that existed for years. It might

serve a better purpose as a paperweight or a very small ashtray.

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I happen to own two of them. A 135mm f2.8 and a 28mm f2.8. They are k-mounts. I used them in high school for yearbook and newspaper pictures. (1981-85) They saw alot of use and still work fine to this day. I actually think my dad bought them at K-mart. Anyway, I am sure they were not the best, more than likely though I bet they are a rebadge from another maker.



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  • 8 months later...

I have one and use it on my F4 Nikon, I like it.


It was written about several decades ago in Modern Photography, and while I still have the mag, I am too lazy to spend hours digging it out (I checked it before I got mine, on Ebay)and it said that generally the lenses were better than average.

The term Formula 5 is a lens formula that was supposedly applied to these lenses but Modern Photo. said it did not know it it had been.


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