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right light set for d20


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I need some help choosing a light set that I will probably use 4 to

5 times a year to take some portrait picture Like it to include back

drop and 3 lights with umbrellas I don�t need something very

expensive since I will not be using it that often is there a package

somewhere? I will be using it with my D20 EX580 flash my lens are

26-70, 2.8 70-200 2.8 IS and 50 1.4 any input will be

appreciated . my budget is under $500.

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This post would be better answered in the lighting section. I'd recommend a backdrop and muslin set through Ebay for around $100 (comes with stands and Black and white muslins. Then a Paterson stellar (not colorflash)(2) 300w/s strobe kit ($450). I use this set up with 3 strobes, you can always add the 3rd if you need. I find myself rarley using the thrid, only when I need a hair light on a boom. The strobes have plenty of power and are RF wireless with a $30 transmitter. In my room(12'x16'), I set them from 1/2 to a few stops less than half power and get f/8 @ 1/250. If you set the power highger you can get f/32 @ 1/250. I also have 3 500watt contiuous lights, but they are hot and I can only get f/4 @ 1/100, so moving kids are hard to do. You may also look into the 150w/s models, but the $75 extra is worth the 300w/s. Avoid JTL and the cheap Ebay strobes.



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Oops budget under $500, get the backdrop setup I mentioned above, 430EX, stands, 2 omni bounces (one for 580 and one for 430) a reflector, and the ST-E2 wireless transmitter. This setup will allow you to set you 580ex as main light from an angle, a reflector for some fill and the the 430ex for a back light or something else. Under $500. My previous post was around $650, but worth it.



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John, check out the photo.net lighting forum, and call Alien Bees. You can get excellent long lasting light(s) from them at a very fair price. They might even work with you a bit. Nice friendly folk who want their customers to return to them. I have and will continue to. You can do a lot with one or two lights and reflectors. and it won't beat your budget up too badly. Some of those cheap kits with three lights are exactly that--cheap kits. You have good equipment already, don't sacrifice too much on lighting.
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