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compact opinion request

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I am planning a trip to New Zealand for about a month in

March/April. I plan on taking my 20D but think i may wish to have a

compact digicam for any extended hikes, placement in watersafe bag

for kyacking, and lastly the u2 concerts ill be attending. <br><br>I

am looking to spend around 300-400 US max... I've spent quality time

on dpreview and am now further overwhelmed by choice. I would like

apature/shutter priority modes and would like it not to be hideously

noisy at higher iso (thinking of the concert) <br> <br> anything to

narrow down my choices would be very appreciated. <br> <br> thank you

in advance

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If you could stretch to $435 (before taxes/shipping), you might consider the Canon PowerShot A610 and the Canon WP-DC90 Waterproof Case, which would be handy for swimming with dolphins! It's not the smallest digital camera you'll find, but it would be relatively convenient for the concerts (f/2.8-4.1 lens, goes to ISO 400), and it also has Manual, Aperture-Priority and Shutter-Priority modes. A few years back I was looking for a compact, travel, waterproof combination with manual controls, and bought the PowerShot A70 (ancestor of the A610) with its underwater case, and I've been very happy with it.
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If I were you, I'd go with Canon A-610 or A-620. Rob Berhnard had kindly suggested Fuji F11 due to low noise in high ISO before, but I have not seen it offered in the US, yet.


I had used the A-610/620's ancestor extensively, the <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/presentation?presentation_id=273356">Canon A-80</a>, and thought that, for me, it was the right blend of size, interface, and performance to take along during a trip, especially as an insurance second body.

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<< but I have not seen it offered in the US, yet. >>


That's the big question. I believe Fuji has said they /will/ bring the F11 to North America, but have not said exactly when.


The F10 is the same camera, but lacks manual controls. I'm sure you could learn to use the camera to its full potential without those controls, but it would be nice to just have them.


With the F11 not available yet for NA, then I too would recommend the Canon A610/A620. The A620 is my second choice, after the F11, for when my Canon A80 gives up the ghost.

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