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wedding images advise


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I would love some feedback on my wedding images (or others if you so wish) posted

on my web site (www.mayamyers.com). My site is being redesigned so bare with me.

I have shot a number of weddings spiratically over the past few years and I am

looking to expand my freelance towards a possible full time career so any feedback

or advise would be great. Also I am in the NY metro area so if anyone should need as

assistant, second shooter, or post shoot work I am very experienced.......

thank you!!

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Hi Maya, Went to your website and everything seemed to load OK....cept the link to the album page which I suspect is not yet up. I'm not a big fan of the reduced opacity of the thumbnails. Personally, I thought many of the images were kinda "scary" & many were outright ugly...I doubt that your home page is the best place to put the pic of the male stripper's butt. I saw several grab shots that were nice. Unfortunately most of your wedding shots look like "grab" shots....cluttered backgrounds, lack of focus, gritty. I didn't see much in the way of portraits in your portrait section, they were shots of people but....I would suggest that you cull at least 50% of the images on the site (often, less is more). Getting more experience as an assistant/2nd shooter is a good idea. Good luck.
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Since your full size images are so small (under 400 pixels wide, or barely 4 inches on a computer monitor) it is hard to really judge these except for just an overall impression. Your photo work looks more than adequate but the Web site much less so. Your photo eye is there and you seem to be pretty good with composition and exposure. Nicely done.
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