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Extension tube, canon 100 mm 2,8


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I just ordered the canon 100 mm 2,8 for doing macroshots, and I'm

already "worried" that I'm not getting as close as I'd like to (I

know it's 1:1 ratio). I didn't find any posts about canon 100 mm 2,8

and the use of extension tubes, there's probably a reason for that I

should know about, or..?

If I actually could use extension tubes on this lens successfully,

which one(s) would you recommend? I read that the kenko system is a

pretty inexpensive and good alternative, but here in Norway I'm

having some trouble finding it in stores. The only ones I find

(searching extremely fast on the internet) are the Canon EF 12 II

extension tube and the Canon EF 25 II extension tube. Anyone got

experience with these two? And what would the actual ratio become

putting on these two tubes on this particular lens?

I'm all new to this, so I beg for some constructive answers :)



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<p>Extension tubes are simply hollow tubes with no optics in them, so unless you happen to run across some which are of low quality, any extension tube will do the same job as any other extension tube of the same length; there's no reason to pick one brand over another.</p>


<p>According to Canon's brochures, with the 100mm f/2.8 USM macro lens (I'm assuming you bought this one, not the discontinued 100mm f/2.8 non-USM macro) a 12mm extension tube will get you a maximum magnification of 1.19x, and a 25mm tube will get you a maximum magnification of 1.39x. So you'll get somewhat more magnification, but not a huge amount.</p>

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>> I just ordered the canon 100 mm 2,8 for doing macroshots, and I'm already "worried" that I'm not getting as close as I'd like to (I know it's 1:1 ratio).



Why don't you relax, wait for the lens to arrive, take a few shots when it does and only then see if 1:1 is not enough?



Happy shooting,


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Uh Ken, the tubes you ordered off ebay, is not going to be that great, they are non-AF tubes,

and with Canon EOS, with out the connects, you cant control depth of field. (only Manual and

Shutter Priority). So youll be shooting wide open, and with macro, you already have a narrow

depth of field, so this might be a teenie problem.

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