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eBay: M6 TTL Titanium


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Has Leica delivered these models yet? The seller is supposed to have

them available if someone meets the reserve price.<br>

Still, since Marco (schouten-select) bids and since the seller is in

Netherlands too, I believe that the seller owns already the new

titans. Funny, because I can not find them anywhere else -even as an


<br>Have you seen them anywhere else than Ebay?<br>

BTW, have you seen the Leica Museum of 32 special M6 that the same

seller has on auction? WOWWW!!! 8-)<br>

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I don't believe it's pink leather - it's natural brown buffalo hide.

Unclaibrated digital imaging strikes again.




(If you're seeing pink buffaloes, I'd recommend cutting down on the

single-malt some.)




From the 'english', I would guess this is a german with inside access

to the camera (note the 19% VAT for european buyers.) maybe even a

Leica employee.!?




IMHO a much prettier AND more grippable version than the 'ostriche-

leder' version from 5 years ago. But I think Bert's right - it's like

watching a beautiful young person disappear into a convent or monastery

for life. (sigh)

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Andy, while I do like single malt (Glenrothes) I'm not seeing pink buffalos. I was referring to one of the 32 special edition M6's the seller has on auction (see http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1292250609 )




The seller isn't German but Dutch and I doubt the seller is a Leica employee because it's a heck of a drive from Noordwijk aan Zee to Solms every day!

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