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Why does Save for Web oversaturate my photos in PSCS2?

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Whenver I prep an image for my website I use "Save for Web" in

PSCS2. Thing is, I've noticed that once the "Save for Web" window

comes up my image is much more saturated, redder skin tones, etc.

I'm shooting in sRGB and working in sRGB so I'm unsure as to where

the color problem is coming from. I don't want this additional

saturation, I just want to use "Save for Web" as intended. Any ideas?


Come to think of it, I've always noticed that whenever a PSCS2

filter window comes up such as diffuse glow, the image in that

window is always much more saturated than the original image I'm

working on. What's up with that?




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Hi Marissa, You might try clicking the tiny arrow that appears above and to the right of the preview SFW image and try a different setting. I use the one that says something like "Use document color profile".


Another thought: You don't *have* to use SFW. You can always just convert to sRGB and re-size your image and leave it at that. SFW just gives a quick and dirty way to compress them is all. Oh yeah, SFW also strips out the file's shot info. Good luck!

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