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Olympus E-20 Raw playback

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I've had an E-10 for about 9 months now, and while no top of the

line DSLR, it certainly fills its role in a way the no other camera

in its price range ($300 used) can. However, I've suffered somewhat

of a setback in the form of a couple of bent pins in the CF slot. I

can run the camera on SmartMedia cards, but they top out at 128Mb.


So I'm looking to replace the camera, and thinking about stepping up

to the E-20. One of my biggest problems with the E-10 is the way it

handles RAW files. Image playback/review of RAW images is limited to

a 1/2 sized thumbnail. Does anyone know if the E-20 has the same

limitation? Can you view a full sized RAW image on the camera's LCD

even (dare I hope?) allowing zoom operation?




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As I read the dpreview.com review, it would appear that you can view full-sized images on the LCD but the review doesn't explicitly address the "RAW" question. I would think that if you couldn't the review would make note of it. It does mention, however, that all view/review operations are quite slow for this camera.



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I owned a E-20 for 3+ years until the shutter died on me, then replaced it with a 20D. When I used the E-20 I thought it was an okay camera, it sucks on jpeg, and pretty good on RAW. (Artifacts, lack of detail, lack of dynamic range). ISO 80 does a good job, anything above is hit or miss. I don't know how much it costs nowadays for the E-20, but I'd either get the D50, D70, or Rebel XT for the sub $1,000 price range.<p>


<a href="http://www.rwongphoto.com">www.rwongphoto.com</a>

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Hi Mark,


Just wanted to say I have straightend the pins successfully inside a HP315 camera after inserting the CF card the wromg way, first lift each pin with a small screwdriver or a wire shaped like a gauge chisel for wood turning toward the proper direction. Its important to not unnessesary overbend the pins. Wen the pins face about 15 degree from straight up, slip a brass miniature tube over the pin and gently bend towards the proper direction. Such miniature tubes can be found in hobby stores or some hardware stores stocking model builders hardware.


The brass tube by its extension allows for better fine tuning of bending direction, but avoid back and fort bending. wen you think you got it right, look down at the pins and try to gage the equal distance of them to each other, adjust, and insert the card geeeeeeeently the first time. If it does not seat try to find the offending quills.


Wish you luck, Michel.

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Thanks for all of the great responses every one. I think I'll go for the E20 anyway, even with the RAW preview issue. I priced out moving to a true DSLR, but since I have no autofocus lenses (I shoot film with Canon FD and Bronica gear), I'd have to go for body, fast general coverage zoom, and flash, and I can't pull that together for less than twice what an E20 runs on the used market.


Still, I think I'll try to get in there and straighten the pins on the E10. Even if I break them off, it still won't cost any more to have Olympus fix it, and the camera will still work on the SmartMedia cards. That way we'll have one for me and one for the wife.

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