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35mm summilux-m vs summicron asph vs summilux asym


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I have a 35mm summilux-m non asph lens already, and interested in the latest asph version.




Do you think I should go for the summilux asph or summicron asph? Price is not really the subject.

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Performance-wise, the two 35 asphs can essentially be considered the

same lens; one just has an extra stop. Since money isn't an object,

get the 'Lux. That way if you ever need the extra stop you've got

it. OTOH, the 'Cron is a tad shorter and more compact.





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Pat, Jack is absolutely right. Both are basically the same (except for

the f/1.4) <i>because</i> they are both ASPHs. The difference in

prices (judging by those here) is about 37% or about USD 785. I myself

chose the 2/35A because it's smaller and I don't always need f/1.4. If

you don't either, think of all the film you can buy instead. Or what

lens next.

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<i>...and I don't always need f/1.4.</i>


<p>But at those few times when f/1.4 will make or break the picture,

that's when you'll wish you had it! If price isn't the problem, then

you should get the fastest version possible, especially when there's

no optical penalty and really very little size and weight difference.

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Keep the Simmilux original for a super compact set-up for after dark

and, if you use the 35MM focal length for everyday daylight

shooting, buy the new Summicron. I did just that and have the best

of both worlds. There is another possible solution. Keep the

summilux and buy the 28Mm summicron. That lens will knock your socks

off even at F2.


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I too got a 'cron, because the 'lux is good deal bigger and heavier.

But fast is always good in my opinion. If I find I need a 'lux later

on I will have to get one, but so far I have not felt the need for it.

In many ways if I do get a faster M lens it is more likely to be the

50mm 'lux

Robin Smith
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