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Hakuba MS10 Dual Function Table Pod?


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I have one of these, and generally regard it as a piece of junk. I can't even find it right now. However, it does the main thing I want a monopod to do -- it allows me to hand hold a bit better than without it. Since solid steadiness is not require for this function, it's acceptable. It's small, and extends and collapses quickly too. However, I have a hard time sinching the top extension down hard enough, so it won't hold much weight without starting to collapse too quickly. :)


The ball head will just barely hold a small SLR with lightweight lens in the horizontal position. As I recall, it does not hold it in the vertical position. The little legs are a good idea gone bad. I wish I had them in a better pod, but these are just way too flimsy. You have to be careful when you push them back in, so as not to break them.


For a small digicam or point & shoot film camera, it is almost adequate, if you are a careful person. For an SLR, not so much.

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