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Canon 5d for $2,595 at B&H including rebate and better price.


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Ignacio - "Buy a FF camera for $2,600 and keep all his lens collection intact, getting a nicer camera for $500 more"


Well, as has been well covered, the 5D is not a "nicer" camera than the D200. And he doesn't get to "keep all his lens collection intact". Full frame sensors with microlenses (like 5D) perform badly when the exit pupil is too close to the sensor, so say goodbye to 20, 24, 28, 35, or 50mm f1.8 primes, all of which have exit pupils around 50mm from the sensor (50mm f1.4 settles down a bit, closer to 70mm). And scrap half the zooms, too.


Carlos's Kodak SLR/c doesn't have microlenses, so it worked a lot better with wide primes. Of course, the lack of microlenses means two stops less sensitivity, so you've got a top speed of ISO 400 on the Kodak, instead of 1600 or 3200 on the Canon.


Dang, can't win this, can we...

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Nevertheless a lot of people seem to get excellent images with the 5D. Could you post some examples of what happens with those primes, Joseph?


I've got plenty of purple fringing with most of my primes on the D200. I can't imagine the 5D will be any worse than that.

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Ilkka, you mention purple fringing - not the usual red/blue chromatic aberration? If so, it might be just the usual digital problem. A couple of my lenses produce CA on both film and digital cameras but there's never any purplish fringing on film. It appears to occur only on digital cameras.


My lenses with ED elements minimize CA but not purple fringing. It doesn't seem to be a factor related to the lenses.


In fact, purplish fringing is different enough from chromatic aberration that Corel Paint Shop Pro X has two different utilities to fix these problems independently. The purple fringe fix does nothing to eliminate CA and vice versa.

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