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Commercial Pricing

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ANy advice for setting pricing for commercial work? I have been

asked to shoot some human interest work for a local Health Spa to

use for their marketing work. Portraits of individuals who have

turned things around through the spa, etc. I am familiar with

pricing my wedding work, as well as fine art work. However, I don't

want to either price myself out of the running, or leave money on

the table either. I work in the Central Virginia area. Just looking

for guidance.



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The usual process is to charge a creative fee for shooting, followed by usage (licensing) fees for the images based on how they will be used. You mention marketing, but that can be applied in many different ways, on a variety of scales. A good starting point is fotoquote software, which gives a viable range of what common usage fees for specific usages would be. You need to find out where the images will be used, for how long, etc. Prior to determining a fee.I'm guessing a local spa will be marketing on a relatively small local level, but you never know. They'll likely have an advertising budget they need to work within as well, so that will be another factor in negotiations.

fotoquote requires a fee of about $100 to purchase, but it's worth it if you're doing any sort of commercial work, at least as a guide. I'd feel them out by asking questions about usage first, and see what they're thinking. Go from there. Also, establish your creative fee, so you can be upfront about that.

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