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D200 Review


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Anybody know of an official review of the D200? I'm looking for a

review that compares camera performance. Maybe a side by side

comparison of photos taken with the D70, D200, and D2X. I did some

searches, but all I found were outdated reviews (reviews based on

specs) or ones that didn't talk too much about noise and image


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bjorn has had a server crash and have lots most of the content to his review (that was suppose to be released today). i too am looking forward to that review, however, don't expect it to see until towards the end of this month.


but seriously, do your own homework. go the store and try the camera, review the images on your home machine. i did and bought it and i'm very happy with the camera (even if there are still weaks sides like high ISO performance, battery consumption etc.)

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Thom Hogan will have a review out in short order too, I'd say both his and Bjorn Rorslett's opinion are worth waiting a few more days for. www.bythom.com.


I sure feel bad for Bjorn about the darn drive crash...bad timing too for us waiting for the review.

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