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Life is a strugle-Street photograph of Old people in Singapore


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Singapore is renowned for its modern city. But it's not as good as one

can imagine for old peoples.


I tried to shoot some of them on the street. But I still don't know

whether I got it or not. Since there are lot of experts here, I post

some of them online. Hope you can give me some advice.


Merry X'mas first.


1. Old couple and pedicab, bugis, singapore

Traveling fares of buses and MRT rised again. This old man choose to

carry his wife in a pedicab to save money.

<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3970841-md.jpg"></center>

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If you live in Singapore, I think you might try to get some more contact with the people you portray. It is time consuming and - sometimes - frustrating.


But it will also allow yourself to explore this universe in a better way, getting more into their minds, hearts & feelings.


I really like the tones and sharpness of these pics. I think your pictures are a good starting point. You have a good theme to develope and a good eye for photography.

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Jamie J.WROTE:

"Maybe he is just recalling some of the old days."

Maybe he's thinking about what he'll have for lunch.


Or maybe he's just tired of having his picture taken. Nice shots. BTW it's a drag getting old no matter where you live.

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Thnaks for your valuable comments.<br>

#3. This guy faced to camera is dealing with some used electronic facilities. They are chatting about the same thing.


<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3970833-md.jpg"></center>


#4. Having breakfast before work.


<center><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/3970832-md.jpg"></center>

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Hi Zhenhai


I am a little perturbed by your descriptions of your shots. I am from Singapore (born and bred there) while I believe (based on your pic on your website) you are either a recent migrant from the PRC working in Singapore or one of the many PRC students who have come to Singapore to seek an education in SIngapore. I know you don't look like the local Chinese at all :)


While I would be the first to admit that there are old people whose lives in Singapore is difficult and that it is not all rosy here, I think your photos may not actually depict what you say.


The first picture of the pedicab (btw we call them trishaws here), is a common occurence in some parts of Singapore. Among the older generation of Singaporeans, it is quite common for them to take the trishaw for a short trip home after some shopping or visit to a wet market (especially in areas where trishaws still ply). You may be right of course, that they are a couple but I am just wondering how did you establish that "This old man choose to carry his wife in a pedicab to save money"? Many of the trishawmen are old with the exception of those who ply the tourists around the main city areas.


Except for picture number 2 (and the last small pic), the other photos show vendors at what is known as the "Thieves' Market" or more wel-known locally as the "Sungei Road Market". This is a very well-known place where second-hand and discarded (and some say stolen) goods are sold. It is a popular place among locals and tourists seeking bargain items. It has been around for as long as I can remember. I am just wondering if the heading you have used above gives a correct interpretation of your photos? These people MAY NOT be poor. In fact a few months ago, the main local paper even highlighted that some of them even advertise their goods on eBay :)


I hope I don't sound like I am sounding defensive as I have stated that I know there are old (and young) people who have difficult lives in Singapore but your photos and heading makes me wonder if you have got it right?

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I think that Amran raised some legitimate questions about ethical practice in photojournalism. It's generally wrong and unethical for a photojournalist to personally gain from someone's grief or violate someone's privacy. It appears that in this case, the photographer chose his subjects in situations that lend support to his opinion, but if the captions were just made up, then he's just manipulating his subjects.
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Thanks Berg.


My concern was the accuracy of what he was trying to depict. Looking at the trishaw pic I am even more convinced that Zhenhai got it wrong. The poor Chinese ladies (who would have been the wife of the rtishaw rider normally would not wear the floral-patterned blouse of the lady on the trishaw and also would not be carrying much shopping and a trolley like the one depicted on the trishaw. Furthermore, many of these old trishaw riders are usually bachelors. I am more appalled that the vendors at the Sungei Road Market are portrayed as old people living difficult lives. I don't know what's on Zhenhai's mind but perhaps he made the error of interpreting his view into what he sees without trying to understand the locals here. If this is the case, he should be more careful as it is misleading. If Zhenhai wants to show the porr in Singapore by all means do so but get authentic pictures of them. The flip side of course is that he may have an agenda whatever it may be. I leave all of you to decide.

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