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Monitor Profiling - Again

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Hi Folks,


Once again I pose the old famous question regarding monitor profiling:


Gretag MacBeth EyeOne version 2 or Monaco Optix XR Pro? Yes, I've

read the reviews at Drycreek and glean from there that the saavy

profiler would be best off with Monaco's clorimeter and Coloreyes

software or some combination thereof.


I am going to be profiling Sony F500R units which are nearly

identtical specwise to the Sony GDM F520's or the Sony Artisans. I

don't get the impression that the Gretag setup allows one to tinker

with a blackpoint setting. Some have said this can be done with the

Monaco system, but I don't find that in their literature or on their



Basically, I'm too poor now to buy in at a higher level for either

manufacturer, so the EyeOne Photo or Monaco's pulse systems are not

possible at this time. Once concern would remain though, and that is

the color management integration with printer profiling. I am liekly

going to go with Cathy's profiles and be done with it.


At the moment, I run the monitor at 6500K, 0% brightness and 75%

contrast. It's fine for most work and keeps the tube from burning

out. Both Sony monitors I will be profiling are of similar tube



Thanks for any Sony response experience you may have.



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Gretag-MacBeth Match 3 has a long procedure and a short procedure for profiling the monitor. In the long procedure, you first set the luminosity and (if possible) the white balance using RGB sliders. This is a hardware/firmware adjustment of the monitor itself. You proceed to measure color patches and create a profile used by the driver (software). The short procedure skips the hardware calibration.


See if Monaco has a similar option. G-M has QuickTime videos which demonstrate the procedure.

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