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Panasonic FZ30 + DMW-LW55

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Does anyone have any hands-on experience of the Panasonic DMW-LW55 Wide Angle

Converter on the FZ30?


I understand this goes out to 24mm (35mm equivalent) and screws directly onto the lens

without an adapter. Specifically how is the linear distortion and vignetting and is the image

quality acceptable?


It seems that most FZ30 owners are using OEM wide angle converters by Olympus and

Raynox with an adapter because of the prohibitive cost of the DMW-LW55. Yet in the UK

the online price is now around 120 GBP so would this be a wise choice?


Any input much appreciated.



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In general, the wide and tele converter lenses produced by the manufacturer are better

matched to the primary lens and perform better than alternatives. Not always, but most of

the time. I haven't used the FZ30 or DMC-LW55 combination, but I know that this was

certainly true for the FZ10 and its 1.5x tele converter complement, and also true of the

Konica Minolta A2 and its ACW-100 wide converter complement.


The downside is typically purely cost. Good converters, cost money to design and produce,

and are typically relatively low in sales volume.



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I don't know either, but this is the type of question that needs to be raised in dpreview.com's panasonic forum. You'll get plenty of opinions there. You'll have to filter through the comments though. Even more than here, dpreview has a lot of hot air being passed about.
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Hi Bruce


You should take a look at Dr Shene's web page on tele\wide convertors for the best for teh Panasonic/Nikon digicam's. You'll find a very detilaed and thorough review for the lumix's there. I think the LW55 is consindered the best for the FZ30 by the good Dr and if its at �120 then its cheap.


Heres a link to his post on Steve's panasonic forum:



"In this indoor short distance comparison, I believe the Panasonic LW55 is the winner of the four 0.7X lenses, and the Olympus WCON-08B and Minolta ACW-100 are the best two of the 0.8X group. However, the ACW-100 does show some very slight CA although not very significant; however, its off-center sharpness is the best."




Hope that helps.







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Many thanks for all the advice.


Dr Shene's website was particularly useful when comparing the LW55 to other wide angle

converters and it seems to be the best of the bunch. But apart from this review I have yet

to find anyone who has actually used an LW55 on an FZ30 in the real world.


I am wondering how it would affect the lens at the long end and whether it would

compromise any other functions on the FZ30. Presumably the built-in flash cannot be

used because of the much wider front element.


I have only found the LW55 at online stores in the UK so I might take a chance and see

what happens.



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  • 2 years later...

<p>LW55 can only be used on wide setting of FZ30, you cannot use it in anyother zoom lens position, if you do, the resulting image will be fuzzy at the corners. At first I though with<br>

LW55 I can turn 35-420mm into 24mm -280mm zoom. Not it does not work that way.<br>

There is certain amount of barrel distortion with Lw55, which I corrected easily with Lens Corrector Pro software.<br>


<img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/8205631-md.jpg"><P><br>

Fragrance Hill Hotel <P><br>

Lumix FZ30 +LW55<br>


I took about 5000 photos with LW55 attached to FZ30 during that trip </p>

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<p>LW55 can only be used on wide setting of FZ30, you cannot use it in anyother zoom lens position, if you do, the resulting image will be fuzzy at the corners. At first I though with<br />LW55 I can turn 35-420mm into 24mm -280mm zoom. Not it does not work that way.<br />There is certain amount of barrel distortion with Lw55, which I corrected easily with Lens Corrector Pro software.<br /><center><br /><img src="http://d6d2h4gfvy8t8.cloudfront.net/8205631-md.jpg"><P><br />Fragrance Hill Hotel <P><br />Lumix FZ30 +LW55<br /></center><br />I took about 5000 photos with LW55 attached to FZ30 during that trip</p>
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