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new visit to the cemetery


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If he, she or it is fallen, why the folded hands, why the





I've never understood this goth thing. Why the black

boots, black trench coats, black lipstick, etc. and the

cemeteries? <br>


The Goths were a tribe of barbarians who appealed to Rome for

protection from the Mongols. Rome agreed then defaulted on

promises and treated them poorly. They were not assimilated into

the empire, given food, clothing or land so they rebelled. They

slapped around Rome (The Eternal City) for three days then moved

on to parts of what is now France and Spain and became the Visigoths.

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Blake, good photo, sorry about the comments you received earlier. And david, I believe, but please correct me if I am wrong, that the term gothic, though not applicable to this scenario, refers to the gothic architecture, initiated during middle age famous for its churches support, aka notre dame in paris, heavy in symbolism for the new wave teenagers that roam cemetaries in black coats..more so than the tribe goths, along with wisigoths and ostrogoths... talk about research...

However I agree this is the nikon forum, the pictures to be shared should be on the critique forum, though it is not a reason to be snob about it... Administrators will catch on to that occurence, which is not a big deal, if you give them time... In the future, no need to be rude, just pass your way if something isn't at your liking... thank you. nick.

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Its a nice subject Blake but IMVHO not a great picture - it got the look of a point and shoot to me - I think Trevors pictures show some really good creativity that would be worth considering for your subject too to create a good image with it. By the way I'm not condoning the rudeness you've rec'd here when I say I don't think its a great pic - only being honest and making suggestions (which is what I assume you wanted by posting it).


I'd rather see a more interesting composition and use of light. Its a rather flat recording to me - not that I usually do any better!

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Blake: cemetery photos are a special favorite of mine. Actually, I should confess that I am

into line, form, tone and texture photography with a 4x5 view camera and black-and-

white film. Nikon content: I use Nikon LF lenses. It just so happens that there is an

Elmwood Cemetery in the town where I was born (not Memphis) thus your photo caught

my eye. Here are buried a lot of veterans of the War Between the States. Some of the

monuments are especially large and ornate. It is too bad that our cemetery has been

neglected and no longer maintained as beautifully as your Elmwood Cemetery in Memphis.

In any event, I enjoyed your picture very much and do hope that you will post some more

and ignore our little posse of trolls here. Every forum has at least a few.

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Cemeteries have also been a favorite of mine as well. I just got back from a trip to Charleston, SC where I focussed almost 100% of my shooting time on the city's historic cemeteries. Hopefully, will have them scanned and on the site soon. I love the old stone in black and white. It's not goth as the "flamer" suggested. I don't get the whole Goth thing at all but unfortunately, some people do associated fine art cemetery images with Goth incorrectly. I see my images more as "spiritual" and historic, not religous, but spiritual. Also, a lot of my cemetery photography does not actually look like it's from a cemetery. I try and focus on the fine details within a cemetery.


As others have mentioned, don't worry about Armando. There is no reason for his rude attack. There are tons of photos and photo subjects that don't interest me but I don't have or feel a need to needlessly criticize the photographer for taking photos that don't interest me. That's just stupid and makes no sense.


Beside's being a rude bully who has to try and beat down others to make themselves feel better about themselves is so....Highschool-ish!



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The angel is definitely not fallen in the sense you normally would use the term "fallen angel". I do see a visual pun here, though, and think the title is fine.


Around here, cemeteries are one of the more interesting things to photograph. It's not the death (you don't see any corpses, after all). But rather, it's a place not frequented, and therefore something out of the ordinary to most of us, with considerable visual interest.

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Later for the flamers. They're not worth the trouble.


I've never had much good come of photographing in cemeteries, so kudos to you for having a go at it. My only criticism of "Fallen Angel" is the out of focus green blob in the foreground. I think the photo would have been stronger without that artifact and with the background either toned down a bit or more out of focus.

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<em>david, I believe, but please correct me if I

am wrong, that the term gothic, though not applicable to this

scenario, refers to the gothic architecture, initiated during

middle age famous for its churches support, aka notre dame in

paris --Nicolas Lapoujade<br>


I though that Gothic architecture and art was related to the

descendents of the Goths. Im not a historian but I enjoy

history as long as I dont have to memorize dates and take

tests. ;)<br>






The only minor criticism I have of the photograph is Id

like to see the white sky on the upper right removed buy using a

slightly difference angle or using a longer lens and backup.

Using a longer lens takes in less background and allows for

considerable selection of background. I dont know if that

was possible since I obviously was not there.<br>


The more I look at the photo I think the problem is the white

background of the web page, it doesnt contrast with the sky.

When you shot the photo the frame created by the camera was black

not white. Id say its a framing issue (as in

presentation). I might crop the photo just a trifle tighter top

and bottom. The out of focus foreground doesnt bother me.

Just tossing ideas as Im no critic.<br>


Its so easy to claim that something is not original, as

there are literally millions of photographers. I think what is

important is showing another person something you like or found

interesting or perhaps disturbing depending on the purpose of the

photograph, but put some of yourself into the photograph. A

style may be needed to sell in a salon but I think a

personality is all most of us need. I see no problem with

photographing seminaries. Its as valid as so many other

subjects. Many famous photographers have done it.<br>


Thanks for sharing. I still dont think the angle is fallen,

no offense was intended.<br>




Dave Hartman.

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