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Problem: Ercona ii, shutter or shutter winding lever sticks


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I've been having trouble with an Ercona II, anexcellent folder, with

the shutter cocking lever sticking at times. It has a double-exposure

lock which may not be geting the mechanical "signal" to release at

times when the film is wound. Or it could be a shutter problem itself.

Howver, I notice shooting the camera with no film to test it does not

produce the problem, only when film is in the camera. I have one

theory I thought I'd ask feedback about: I shoot at night and wind the

film VERY slowly becasue it's hard to see the frame numerals come up

at back of camera. Is it perhaps too slow to release the lock sometimes?

The sticking is random except it always seems to stick on the

first frame. Other times, whether you wind the sutter before advancing

the film or visa-versa dosen't seem to matter (the manual says either

way is fine): 20% of the time it won't fire.

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Take a good look at the camera from the front. You should be able to fire the shutter by pressing a lever that protrudes form the side of the housing. Not useful for actual picture taking, but try it without any film in the camera and you'll know if the problem is the shutter or the double exposure prevention in the body. (Alternatively, see if there's a separate cable release connection on the shutter itself.) If the double exposure prevention mechanism is sticky it's likely just old grease. I have cleaned these up on several old Ikontas and Nettars, it's not difficult but you really have to pay attention when you take it apart so you know how it goes back together. On the other hand if you're not mechanically inclined I can't imagine it would cost very much to have it done. Hope this helps.
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Gerald,<p> I have an Ercona I and an E II. I am sure there is no mechanism built into the camera that makes shutter release and double-exposure lock dependant on having a film in the camera. To decide what is wrong with your's ( shutter or lock ? )just release the shutter by using the knob on the camera's and give the film transport wheel half a turn. Now you should see a red dot appear in the tiny window next to the wheel - the sign that the double-exposure lock has been freed. Repairing this mechanism is rather simple. After taking off the wheel ( and nothing else) the mechanism is fully exposed.

I assure you: You will not need a clockworker's skills to understand it and get it back to working. Even I managed. Uli

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  • 5 weeks later...

Thanks everyone, though a late one. Suddenly out of town for awhile. I'll experimant with suggestions for the ercona and double explosusre lock.

For the kind person who suggested taking off the wheel to fix it if need be, how do you take it off, (I guess meaning the film winder)

Thanks so much again

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Gerry,<p>to get a look into the film transport mechanism you only have to take off the screw in the center of the winding knob ( left side on the camera top). Before doing that you should make sure that there is a empty film spool inserted on this side. This will prevent the winding shaft from falling into the camera body. <p>Uli
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