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Brides Loving Their Wedding Photos


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I've just spoken with two brides of mine who are abolutely THRILLED

with their wedding photos! When clients are so enthusiastic about

their photos, it is so encouraging to me and just reinforces why I do

what I do. It's especially sweet when they note something specific

they love about your shooting style that stands out to them


Anyway, I was wondering if anyone has any fun stories to share about

how much their photos have been loved by clients of theirs. It's so

encouraging to hear - and fun to tell!


Samantha Bender

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Just had three calls today, one from each set of parents and one from the B&G themselves, telling me how incredible the pictures were and how much they love them.


Saturday the groom from a recent wedding made a point of coming up to me to thank me for the photos, mentioning how great they are and how his parents are so much more impressed with these than any from his siblings weddings. The mother of the bride from that wedding had called previously to say that they were better than they could ever have hoped for.


I have only had one wedding where the parents of the bride were non comittal about the photos, it seems that they weren't really into photos that much, they had them because that was the thing to do.


I find the trick is to surpass expectations and to give better than people expect for your price level. I'm also anal about print quality and though I have it down to a very fast fine art, I tweak those RAW files until they have the perfect exposure for print to within a 1/10 of a stop. I shoot far more than necessary, often shooting 600 frames for 200 proofs. This is because I take 3 of every formal so I almost never have blinking/looking away problems, and also because I will keep shooting until I have that perfect picture that tells the story that I have in mind.


To be honest, the 'story' of a wedding is pretty much set in stone. If you have the storyline in mind before you start and shoot for the story then you can tell the tale of the wedding through your photos without posing because you know what you want to convey through your photography so you will always be there when that moment happens. For example you want to convey the emotion between a bride and her father as that is part of the wedding story. So you make sure you are there when that emotion happens and capture it. Then the parents say wow you managed to capture every moment!


The most important thing I always say, and what I strive for, no that is wrong, I bloody well make sure that - Every photo tells a story - that is how I work and I hear that comment from the clients at least once every 2nd wedding.

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Great stories!


Like Ben, I spend a lot of time "perfecting" the collection of images that I present to each

couple. This ensures that they're completely happy with every single shot!


I photographed a wedding for a couple back in September in Alabama. They and their

parents all wrote letters saying how much they LOVED the photographs. The couple

passed our names to three differents sets of engaged friends, and we booked each of

those weddings off of their good recommendation!


To top it off, we recently found out that the couple is expecting a baby. Because they've

brought us so much work, we've offered to photograph their little one for free once she

arrives. It's really fun to work with such wonderful people!

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Congrats Samantha!


I find that client kudos are far more meaningful than most other evaluations of my photography. It will help you fill your book of business. And you will find that your banker likes this idea as well.


Spend time keeping your clients, their familes and friends happy. They will pay you far more dividends than most other comments or awards.


Best to you!

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That's awesome, Bill and the rest of you... you all have bragging rights, and I'm encouraged to hear about your work's response!


Okay, before my head swells up too big: My personality thrives on positive criticism and kudos, so when a bride and groom tell me that they don't just like their photos, they LOVE each one-- I'm ready to take on more work, it's just exhilirating.


Also, the amount of time I put into editing and sometimes REDEEMING shots in an ugly environment comes out in spades when the B & G take notice of what's been done and comment.


Finally, my favorite part is when clients refer me to their friends... it's the best kind of advertising.

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