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To sell or not to Sell


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I believe I have too many lenses at the 50mm focal length. I have

made plans to reduce my holdings some but have argued myself in and

out of every plan I have made. I am now quite insane and was hoping

for some external advice.


I have a Noct, 1.2 Hexanon, pre-asph 'lux and a 'cron. I am keeping

the 'cron and would like an Asph 'lux but am not married to the

idea. I do a lot of low light shooting but with 400 speed film, I

always seem to be at f=1.7 or f=2.0 at 1/30th of a second. The 1.2

Hexanon is a very light weight lens and is probably irreplacable but

it is too close to the Noct and 'lux in aperture and to part with the

Noct always makes me think I will live to regret it.


Maybe I should sell all of them and buy a digital point and shoot.


Any suggestions?

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Get rid of the Noct. and the lux, keep the 1.2 Hex and cron.

The Noct is deseigned to be used at full aperature, there's no point in having it if you stop it down at all. But at full aperature, you had better be in good focus on what you are shooting. I suppose it is great for night. But, I would get a tripod for that anyway. Isn't the Noct. also a heavy lens? I seems to me it's an overhyped lens. Whatever you do please for God's sake don't get a digital point and shoot -- that would be a sure sign of insanity.

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Oh to have these problems!!


How about you take my digi point and shoot and i take your 4 lenses;-)


If you need the cash for something else, why not look through the photos you like the best, and decide which to keep on that basis?


If you dont need the cash, keep 'em all

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{ I believe I have too many lenses at the 50mm focal length. I have made plans to reduce my holdings some}


{"Mark unlisted , nov 01, 2005; 11:46 p.m.

I'm interested in the 50/2 hexanon. Check your email."}


{Maybe I should sell all of them and buy a digital point and shoot.}


{I am now quite insane}


Well-said mate.

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Frankly, I think it is strange that both you and Larry Cole joined on September 12, 2005,

along with a host of other forum members that ask questions like this. Frankly, I think you

cannot have too many 50's, so you may just want to keep them all and get a disposable

digital point and shoot. But in all Frankness, I think the pre-asph Lux would be the best all

purpose lens of the bunch. You can use it in low light and it has the nice traditional Leica


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50mm is a great focal length and has its great renaissance these days. I would sell the 1.2 Hexanon and the pre-asph lux and get the new Leica 1.4/50 ASPH instead. The bokeh of the old pre-asph lux is

not that overwhelming to keep it. You even could sell the Summicron too, size and performance are to close to the new 1,4/50 ASPH. The noctilux is another story. I have one too and i was often thinking to sell it, but i never did and i decided never to sell it.


Regards Moritz

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