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Polaroid 57 and a 545 Land film holder


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Just getting started with my Crown Graphic and polaroid film -

confused by tube of 'caustic paste' that comes with the film.


I've read Polaroid's website and the photo.net pages about polaroid

sheet film, and I thnk I understand how to expose and develop, but I

still don't know what the four tubes of 'caustic paste' are for-

there's no mention anywhere! What are they for?





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Not sure what you mean by a tube of "caustic paste" but type 57 (3000 speed) requires coating after exposure to protect/preserve the image. There should be several small black tubes with blue (probably) caps. Inside should be a fibrous sponge with a white or beige plastic rib down one side. The sponge is soaked in the coating chemical, has a slightly bleachy smell.


After removing the print from the carier paper (the developer paste is caustic by the way) lay the print face up on a clean surface (I like to use a clean sheet of news paper) and pass the coater down the length of the print. You will probably need two passes, with a slight overlap between them. Not too fast, not too slow and not too much pressure. Harder to describe than to do. Let the coat dry before handling. About 1/2 to 1 hour seems to do it.


You should be able to download the instruction sheets for the films and for the 545 holders from www.polaroid.com. It may take a little exploring of the site to find the data sheets and instructions.

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Consider it to be similar to varnishing tintypes/copper plates, etc. to preserve the image.


The coater(s) are fairly harmless & as others have said give it a couple of swipes to totally coat the print.


Years ago this was standard practice for any Polaroid print:)


Good Luck & have fun

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