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D200 SB800 BL Remote?


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Does anyone know if there is a way to use the sb800 with the D200 for

balanced fill remotely? I don't want to use the synch cord...and

with the D70 you are only able to use this mode with the cord or

hotshoe. I suppose the reason why is you are going to have flash from

the camera itself which will mess up the fill. I'm putting the the

light about 8 feet in front of the camera and just need a small pop

of fill for outside overcast to add catchlights. Think of a one

umbrella strobe setup....like that. I know how to set up my strobe

for that...but this sb800....well...sometimes I feel like flinging it

out the window. BTW I know the remote is set through group A channel


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"and with the D70 you are only able to use this mode with the cord or hotshoe." - you are wrong about this.


D70 built-in flash can operate in Commander mode, and a remote SB-800 in the remote mode, all in the iTTL (CLS) system mode. Read Ken Rockwell's 5 pages tutorial about it.


D200 built-in flash has limitations, e.g cannot command group C flashes, but if you stay with in limitations, it can also command remote Nikon flashes, in a similar way as the D70 can, and even better a bit since D200 can use Group A, and also group B.

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The D200's flash will automatically be in balanced fill-flash mode unless the metering

pattern selector is set to "spot". When used as a commander, it will cause the remote SB

-800 to be in fill flash mode also.



You have a choice in the D200 flash commander mode to have the built-in flash contribute

to the exposure or not.


Danny W.

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