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nikon 55mm micro question


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I got the 55mm micro AI lens last month -- I shot an f90x and am

wondering about the ideal mode for the camera -- do I set it to

closeup mode, landscape, sports, etc... Which will provide the best

results and depth of feild as well as best focusing--- anybody have

any information on this combo? what's the best setting for my

metering spot or area?


It seems to be a great lens so far and I enjoy using it... any help

is appreciated...<div>00FgRn-28872884.jpg.bb5c7d6b4f04d138732ec2fe87962997.jpg</div>

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"I got the 55mm micro AI lens last month ... am wondering about the ideal mode for the camera "


IMHO - Manual exposure mode, spot metering.


Macro photography is "thinking" photography. Depth of field, point of focus, et al. An "idiot mode" (no disrespect intended) where the camera makes those decisions for you is going to be hit and miss. This is one area of photography where the computer in your head is (should be) the most qualified to make those decisions about aperture, shutter speed, etc.

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Macro photography is best done in manual mode - focus and exposure. I may spot meter using the TTL feature, but in general I find that an incident reading with an hand meter is more reliable - compensating for lens extension of course. TTL spot metering is of little use once you have set up a shot, and averaging reflected light readings are unreliable by the nature of many subjects.


I've never used a camera that had "closeup", "landscape" etc modes, and would have no idea what that means without reading the manual. There's nothing mysterious about f/stops and shutter speeds.

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