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How good is a Rolleiflex Planar 3.5E lens?


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Here is a test that I did with my recently aquired machine. I shot

this photo on a pod using Kodak TMax 100 f/8 @125. I developed in HC

110. Then scanned the neg and then croped the red dotted area and

sized it as shown below. The tower is aproximately 1/2 mile from the


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I have a Rolleiflex 2.8D with a Planar taking lens. It was super sharp until recently when I started getting softer images back. It took an overhaul with focus adjustment before it got back to me in a shape that gave me sharp images. When Rollie TLR cameras are well adjusted, their lenses really are sensational.
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The first shot was taken with a killer frost on and it was 15deg.F that morning.I may not have focused well enough. The fireplace shot was taken on a tripod with great care and I think it was at f/8 for one second. The scanner was and Epson 3200. Boys it's hard to focus when your-a-shivering like a dog eating razor blades out there in the cold.
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