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What is the new 50/1.8?


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The EF 50/1.8 seems to come highly recommended on photo.net --

cheap, fast, sharp, and lightweight. It is recommended highly as a

starter lens, or as something to keep in the bag for low light. I

used to enjoy mine as a walkaround lens on a film body, and was very

pleased with the results. The speed, low weight, and simplicity

generally made up for lack of zoom.


I know we all have various and different needs, but in general, what

are folks using with their APS-C sensors for a cheap, fast, sharp,

lightweight, and/or normal lens? 35/2? 28/1.8? just keeping the

50? slow zoom with IS? Thoughts?

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Honestly. . .I hardly ever used my 50/1.8 on my film camera.


And on my digital, I hardly ever use my 35/2 (this is my most under-used lens).


Today. . .I don't recommend any prime -> unless you have a special need for fast aperture (or are filling the gap between a 17-40/4L and 70-200/4L)


(and yet. . .my daily walkabout kit is a 17-40/4L, 50/1.8, and 85/1.8 -> the 70-200/4L stays home for special occassions)

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I tend to keep the plastic fantastic on my 20D, partly because it's such a versatile lens and partly to help with fitting the other lenses in the bag.


I vary between 50, 17-40, 24-105 and 70-200 as walk around lenses depending on where I am and what I expect to shoot.


Hope this helps.



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I used to use my 35/2 on the 20d for low light. I really liked the results. Now that I have the 1Ds I use my 50/1.4 more often than my 35/2. Of course the 50/1.4 is an excellent lens, but on the 20d it was a little too long for my taste.


My co-worker really likes his 28/1.8 and on his recent trip to China he used this lens 90% of the time on a FF camera. I heard bad reviews on that lens, but his results were great.


I tried the slow zoom with IS option on the 20d but I just didn't like the results (had the 28-135 IS). Personally, I would rather have a fast prime over a slow zoom with IS. The primes give so much more flexibility with depth of field.

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Rebel XT + 35/2. Very small and light. Works great for me.


I also have the 28/2.8 (a little wider, just as sharp but a stop slower) and a Tokina 28-70/2.8 which is the walkaround on the 20D. That's a rather heavy combo, but still lighter than the 20D + Sigma 50-500 :).

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Both my 20-35mm and 28-135mm IS tend to get a lot of use for general digital walkaround needs. The former is better for street use where low light capability isn't needed. I have a Canon 10D and an EOS 5. The 50mm f1.8 lives on the film body most of the time.
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Good + Fast + cheap = EF50 f1.8


All the rest is at least 2-3x more expensive!


That is why I bought that 50f1.8 for my 20d and do not regret it so far.


Best one on a 1.6crop would be the Sigma 30f1.4 for me...but is cost 4x as much over here (more than 400 EUR, and the EF50 is around 110�).

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I found a mint first-generation EF 50 f1.8 some years back for

$100. I rarely used it on film, but have somewhat more on a pair

of 20D bodies. It's great back-up for f2.8 zooms in weak light.

It's sharp and fast enough focussing, and the first gen. is more

robust than later versions. I have and use the 35 f2, which I loved

on full-frame (film) but find too long for the 20D. That lens is

beautifully smooth in the out-of focus areas (if there are any) .My

best lens for unobtrusive, light weight, and versitile work at short

range is the 24mm f2.8.

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