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EOS 20d WB Bracketing and other Q's...


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The wife has given in and let me spend my overtime on a new camera so

I'm now getting a 20d...


Anyway doing my usual trick of having a look at the manuals before

getting the product I'm wondering about the WB bracketing: I plan to

shoot mostly in raw (actually probably raw+small jpg to provide

thumbnails on my portable media player) and convert on my laptop. So

will WB bracketing gain me anything when using raw mode?


Also with the APS-C lenses (the EF-S etc) I'm assuming the focal

lengths quoted are for 35mm format so still need the 1.6x multiplier

despite only being suitable for APS-C sensors?






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<< Also with the APS-C lenses (the EF-S etc) I'm assuming the focal lengths quoted are for 35mm format so still need the 1.6x multiplier despite only being suitable for APS-C sensors? >>


Focal length is focal length is focal length. It's an intrinsic property of the lens.

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wait till the 30D (elan digital) comes out. I'd be suprised if canon doesn't annonce it this coming febuary. Even if you don't want the 30D, the 20D prices will drop if the 30D comes out. Personally, I think it's more economical to wait the few months.
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Richard, regarding your last paragraph, I would say your assumption is correct. I other words, an EF-S 35mm focal length will give results like a film 50mm, and a 50mm similar to a film 80mm.


Also, I've never found a need to embed a small jpeg. There is a small preview jpeg imbedded, regardless, atleast I think that's the way it works. It's what you see when you review shots, either on the back lcd, or connected to a tv. The Canon software, dpp, Adobe Bridge all can preview, without the extra jpeg. There's no real need for it.

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As Richard himself pointed out WB bracketing gains you nothing and I think it is disable in RAW mode. Even in JPG it is pretty useless. I don't know anyone who uses it.




Everytime you ask this question you get this "focal length is a property of the lens".


This is scientifically true but utterly useless to someone for whom the purpose of the camera and lens combination is to take pictures. The field of view of a lens on a 1.6x crop factor camera is the same as a lens of 1.6x the focal length on a full frame camera. Strangely the fact that my 17mm lens is still a 17mm lens doesn't make me feel any better when I put it on my 20D and it only has the field of view of a 28mm lens on full frame.


Now your 60mm macro EF-S has a field of view of a 96mm lens on full frame despite the fact that its image circle is only large enough for a APS-C sensor but the focal length is a property of the lens ....



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